Top voted prompt of the week by oddjaqx on Reddit r/WritingPrompts

You’re a seemingly normal, non-religious human being. Death for some reason, desperately wants you off this Earth. Satan however, wants you no where near Hell. Every freak accident meant to kill you, is countered by an even freakier “miracle” to keep you alive.


I believed all my life I was normal.... Yesterday day changed that all. You see I was a law abiding citizen and I had never done a ‘sin’ as such other than being no religious and not believing in God but that is a whole other story. I’m a 25 year old male, other than the fact I have pulled pretty well in genetics lottery (or so I believed) I have naturally white hair and odd coloured grey/blue eyes which in most lights gave me a hollow looking stare. Today I discovered the reason and here is that story...

My day started fairly normally you know breakfast and walk the dog sort of thing before I went to my day job a tattoo artist. It felt like any other day you get the picture? On my way to work I was meant to die that morning, I live in a particularly wealthy area of New York, the quiet suburbs etc and it’s not uncommon to see expensive cars such as Lamborghini and McLaren etc, most of their owners are my neighbours and are generally middle aged men who can normally drive sensibly and not kill anyone if you get what I mean but a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ came flying round the corner and missed me by by millimetres, and immediately I get this floating feeling. I feared the death and I rose into the clouds and was greeted by JESUS! He explained I was destined to die this morning by Lucifer as he feared me and death was the only way to get rid of me. Turns out I am a freaking Abomination! I am a mixture of all of God’s creations and Satan’s creations essentially I am quite possibly at full potential stronger than God right?!

The reason behind me dying today was I would have been sent to heaven as I would have caused absolute havoc in Hell so it was safer for not only Lucifer but all of God’s creation that I were to be in Heaven but I cannot possibly die so that plan failed and I am out to get my revenge.
