Write a story where the characters host a secret club.

You can write in any genre, and the club can be anything you think would make sense.

Keep This To Yourself!

This is a Secret Club. Really—-secret. It is a club of secrets. Each holds their own. Deep, deep down where secrets belong. They come here for support, to learn how to seal their lips and not let out one word of that dark or light thing kept from everyone else. These are real secrets, for a secret told has power no more. For good or bad, those words are borne. And there’s not much you can say about a Secret Club—-if you say a word, you’re out the door. If they say something to you, it’s also all over. For you and them. The code of conduct is plain: Don’t say a word. No grins, frowns or smiles. Simply remain: dour.

So, the meetings are quite bland. There is no coffee or tea that could lead to chatter. No cocktails or beer that might loosen the tongue. You never look in the eyes of another, eyes can betray secrets louder than mouths. It is only a quick nod and a ‘Good Morning, Day, or Evening’. Then you turn your chair to face the wall. When you feel strengthened again, you stand and walk out the door without a ‘see you later’ nor ‘goodbye’.

It’s so lonely, I wish I could tell the secret of the Secret Club.

Oh, no! The truth is out. Please, oh please—-keep the secret to yourself! All I can plead is in desperation: SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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