Submitted by M N Smart
Write a story from three different perspectives: a child, an old person and a family pet.
Each new paragraph/stanza should change perspective.
The Roofless House
I was absentmindedly diligent- that’s what adults described me as. Oh, I could remember my days in the orphanage as clear as sky. Miss Mary would cook the most delightful of pies, Monsieur Malcolm would read me a story before bed, and Missie, the household cat, would purr contently on the sofa and snuggle with me. But yet I still ran away. I ran as far as my legs could reach... and stumbled upon a roofless house.
As my days counted down, I wonder what will have happened if I didn’t run away from the orphanage. I would’ve got adopted by one of the cruelest families, and carry endless burdens on my shoulders. As I stroked Missie’s rough fur, I could tell that she was thinking the same thing. What would have happened if she didn’t follow me into this roofless house?
I saw a child escape through the doors. What should I do? Mew to the receptionist? Of course I ran with her to try to persuade her to come back. That was that plan. It was suppose to be the plan. That dear human was too hard to leave, of course, so I stayed in the roofless house with her. I made up endless excuses on why I shouldn’t go back to the orphanage.