Write a short dialogue between a mother and a child discussing... well... the birds and the bees.

How would this interaction proceed?

Death Bloom

“What’s dat?” “It says here it is a century plant. It blooms once every one hundred years or so. Then it dies. That’s that’s sad.” “Why?” “Well…plants make flowers to attract bees so they can make baby plants. Look how tall the flower is. They had to open the ceiling in the atrium so it can grow. It’s so pretty too?” “I guess. But why?” “Here let me wipe your nose. Now why what? Why do things die? Are you sad peanut?” “Yeah no I dunno know. Why do things have babies? It looks hard and stuff.” “It is hard. But when we come back there will be a bunch of baby centuries. It’s worth it.” “Mommy no kissing.”
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