The Power Of Persuasion

Two friends were walking alongside the road, talking and enjoying the sunny, but cool weather when an obviously neglected mutt walked around the corner and stopped.

They decided they wanted to help the hungry animal, but they would first need to get the dog in their car.

“I’ll get the dog, you get the car,” said Friend 1. At this point, Friend 1 started walking toward the dog and the dog backed up. He stopped and started talking to the dog. The dog didn’t move. He then decided he would have to run to the dog quickly and catch it. At this point the dog started running away.

“Why don’t you go get the car and let me worry about the dog,” said Friend 2.

Friend 2 sat on the ground, leaned back and propped himself up with his elbows, and closed his eyes enjoying the sun. Within a few minutes, the mutt became curious and walked over to Friend 2 to sniff him out. Friend 2 pet and spoke to the mutt, and then the mutt followed him to the car.

Moral: Persuasion can be more effective than force.

Adapted from Aesop’s Fable: The Wind and the Sun

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