Write a story about two best friends who have an argument that cannot be forgiven.
Initially you should build characters who seem to work well with each other, but of course something must arise that pushes them apart.
Friendships Change
I’ve found that as people get older… they change.
Sometimes it’s for the better. People get more mature, more reliable, more responsible.
Sometimes, not. They get more reckless. More careless. Less innocent. More bitter.
And like people change, friendship does as well. What bonds you together could change, or you’re not together anymore. The character traits that made you so close either expand or diminish, and sometimes friends that you’ve had since you were young, or you thought you would have forever, you just can’t stand each other anymore.
Sometimes, you just slowly drift apart. Other times, it can get ugly.
If you get through these clashes, you’re likely to have a friend for life. If you don’t… well, you can always make new friends.
It might never be the same, though.
And that’s whats happened with Lizzy and I. She got hungry for power and everything she didn’t have.
We’ve been friends since we were little. Two kids from two very different backgrounds becoming completely inseparable, the talk of the newspapers.
Especially when one was the princess who was heir to the throne and one had not a semblance of a line to nobility.
Looking back, Lizzy’s always been a sort of glass half empty person. I called her a pessimist, she said she was practical.
Few years passed; Lizzy became more bitter and I became more busy which just made her more bitter.
We kind of swayed apart. I remember how sad this made me. After all, Lizzy was my only friend.
A few years after I took the throne, I heard the news. My once best friend——turned to the darkness.
Her power grew, she fed on dark magic, and caused havoc and pain everywhere. They started calling her ‘The Evil Queen’.
I watched her as her love dissolved into nothingness, her wit turned to desperation, and her heart turned to stone.
I watched as the Lizzy I knew for so long disappeared.
And she’s finally been caught.
“Your Majesty,” a voice startles me and I look up.
“Is it time?” My voice wavers.
The servant nods. A lump rises in my throat.
It’s time to face Lizzy… no, she’s not my Lizzy anymore. I have to face Alyssa.
Everything passes in a blur. Me, getting on my feet, starting to walk through the palace halls, entering the execution room.
I see Alyssa’s chains, I see the executioner bring the knife, I see the blackness when I squeeze my eyes shut.
I can’t bare to look as they kill her.