The monsters who hide under beds sometimes steals socks, but other times steal souls...

Report 3; The Diary Incident.

The following information has been has been pulled from the diary of Ten year old Jane (name has been changed to protect her identity). Jane had been experiencing the effects of average until day 14 much like all victims of this “monster” as it is called. Description of violence, abuse, sexual assault, etc told through the eyes of 10 year old Jane Hammers.

Articles have been edited for better clarification.

January 2, 2021 (first significant incident)

— Mommy told me to stay in my room. But I don’t like it in here. Danny (the monster) has been telling me to leave for hours. He said he doesn’t like me right now. I gave him my spare sock. That seemed to work.

The second incident happened after the victim’s father had attacked her mother and threatened to kill her. The monster had taken a turn and appeared to be talking in a more “sexual” manner. Or as the victim described “like Mommy talks to daddy.”

She also has clearly started talking closer to an adult vocabulary saying-

“He has chosen me for a covenant of demons in Hell as the future concubine of his legions.”

We have reason to believe this was written by the monstrous creature. That we are starting to believe is a demonic entity.

June 3, 2021 (second most significant accurance)

The creature has been seemingly taken what adults would call “a liking” to me. They say I may end up being injected with pharmaceuticals. I seem to be caught in this friend of mine’s personal entanglements.

He does not react to holy objects. I believe this means she$;$3!:&’...

The rest of the entry is either

A) a language only she and the monster can speak.


B) complete and utter gibberish.

The seven other victims have written like this. They appear to be in this state of mind.

After this entry the other pages are drenched in blood from the victim and her mother. After the blood ends the last entry reads, “He wants me to join him. So I will.”

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