
glass milk bottle

the bible

bicycle tyre

Waking up with no recollection of the night before, these three objects help your character peice together how they ended up here

Not the usual day

A soft yawn slipped out from my mouth as I slowly stretched my aching body, trying to wake the joints up from sleep. I turned to my side, reaching out to the side table, searching for my mobile phone with my fingers since my eyes refused to open, when suddenly my fingers brushed over something rubbery. “Funny,” I thought to myself, not remembering having anything rubbery in my side table. I slowly openede my eyes, and there, I saw a slender shape of a glass milk bottle, laying down on its side with a rubber nipple covered at the opening, dripping with now cold milk. This finally jolted me up from bed as I realised I wasn’t in my bed. I looked around the unfamiliar surroundings of the bedroom trying hard to remember how I got there. Nothing came to my mind. It was as if all memories were sucked out of my head leaving it empty with nothingness.

I sat up slowly. My feet felt odd as I touched the floor. I looked down and screamed! What once were feet are now round, black bicycle tyres the size of training wheels. My frantic screams must have woken the people of the house as I suddenly could hear rushed footsteps coming towards the room I was in. The door swung open and a man, a bible in his hand, stood before me. He was saying something that I could not comprehend. The room started spinning and slowly darkness took over me.

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