Write a story that centres around a superstition.
For example, your story could revolve around the number thirteen, associated with bad luck in western cultures but good luck in some eastern cultures. Or you can make up your own superstitions.
Momma always got annoyed when I put shoes on the table. She said “It’s bad luck!” Every day I’d come in from school and put my shoes on the table- just to annoy her. She also came up with the idea that 3:00am is the worst time to be up, she said “The witches will be out to find you.” I laugh at her stupidity sometimes. Her superstition drives her crazy. She said “Oh Daisy, you’re going to be the death of me!” As a joke- I was the only one laughing. The ‘good’ thing is I had trouble sleeping, so I would stay up till 3:00am just to wake up my mother and tell her “momma! It’s 3:00 am” or “momma the witches got me!” I remember she screamed one time. Held me close, cried. I felt bad that time but she needed to get through her superstition. Get over it.
The doctors said it was the stress of being a single mother. Others said she drove herself crazy. Either way blue and red flashed through her bedroom window. I remember she screamed that time. Held me close, cried. Then it stopped. I couldn’t hear a witches cackle or a bird tweet, I was so close to her chest but I couldn’t hear a beat.
I felt bad that night at 3:00am. I wanted her to get over her superstition but I didn’t want it to be over…
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