
A boy was in his room, all alone with himself, and

he had nothing to do, nothing important.

He was really bored, though, so he sat on his bed, in his room, trying to use his imagination to think of something cool.

Nothing happened, nothing at all.

Until a man with a mask, a big body and a large machete jumped through the widows, picked up his lamp, bashed his head with it, and used his machete to cut his arm off, which caused a lot of blood coming out.

The boy was knocked out badly, and the man assumed that the boy was dead.

The man slowly walked out of the boy’s room, wanting to kill other people in the house, until he hears the boy move through the glass shards from the lamp and his own blood. Thus, he turns around, sees the boy stand up, slowly walk up to him and say, “Is this what happens when I use my imagination? ‘Cause you are fuckin’ badass and so awesomely real-looking as hell, man!” The boy says, as the crazed, murderous man looks at him in great confusion and slight horror over his weird happiness.

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