'Your words wound me deeply, but your silence hurts even more.'
Write a story or poem opening with, or containing, this line.
forty invites, perfumed and polished gold
forty minutes weaving a basket of two hands
forty years of creased eyes ironing wrinkles and folds
Slips, with a cane to the floor of the old, weeping man
Tall and broad, ticking the time, he sags under his cross to bear
around the neck, clumsily, clunkily, coffin-box black
If baby powder once clowned his face and
mussed his hair
grandfather shrugged beneath , a fact
on her day
rosied and butterfly-lashed, swaddled in newness
he swore her dove wings would not fray
a swear is filth compared to a promise
the nectar, honey, vileness of bells!
swaying, swooning, snaking down the aisle!
twisted grins, thorns, detectable tells
casted in plaster, of a mask, human as bloodied tile
warm velvet, a door of pure white
a wedding invitation is a straight beam
An upward tunnel of light
to her grandfather, it seemed
The channel of memory
punching nostalgia, like steel-tasting heart-caging words
“I know you don’t approve, but..”
penetrate though the chest deeper, more profoundly than a sword
Or a knife,
In forty quick seconds, twisted through the hearts of two
separated through an eternal chasm, one muddying life
this silence is new
At four PM on a grandfather clock, his cross to bear swung and pummeled both their hearts underneath