by Owen Vangioni @ Unsplash

Write a poem of story that could be titled 'I'm upside down'.
I’m Upside Down
My sister convicted me to do something crazy
Heights have never been my thing
I’m standing in the line for bungee jumping and I’m feeling hazy
Wondering how I’m going to be held up by that little string
Minutes which feels like days go by
I’m standing on a bridge like structure
About to take on this jump from up high
I turn around and edge my feet off of the platform , my head feeling like it’s bound to rupture
And suddenly I’m falling
The water under the bridge is calling
And suddenly
I’m upside down
Looking at the world from a whole new angle
I see the bridge where my feet last touched the ground
I hear the wind and the metal making a slight jangle
I feel the rope with which I am bound
I smell the thick smell of the lake below where I dangle
I taste the blood from where I bit my tongue during the tangle
I think
I’m upside down
I defeated that height!
What else can I defeat with the rest of my life?