In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?

Free To Live Or Die

You don’t have to be alive. This is true.

Tomorrow, you could wake-up, and choose to end it.

Never forget this.

Because this is not depressing, but instead freeing.

You’re choosing to be alive. You’re choosing to be here.

So if you are going to be here, why not enjoy it? Why not make the most of it?

But what does it mean to then enjoy it? To make the most of it?

You must first reject indulgence. Short term pleasures are just that - short term. And the more you indulge, the more it becomes a habit, and this habit will ultimately make you miserable.

So if you reject indulgence, what do you replace it with?

You will yourself to be enthusiastic about everything. Act as if, and at some point you’ll no longer be acting.

And be enthusiastic about what? Enthusiastic about doing the right thing.

And what is the right thing? To live with gratitude and treat others with love, empathy, and engagement.

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