You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.


Time feels so slow yet so fast. It feels as though I've been staring at the ground for hours, though it's been little longer than 30 seconds. The figure on the other side of the ever tightening room has been staring intently at me. My time is running out.

I must say something, anything at this point will do. It takes everything I've got, but finally I am able to lift my eyes from their comfortable place on the floor to meet my soon to be killers gaze. His eyes looks as though they must be made of glass. There was no life or feeling or regret. He didn't seem fazed.

"Wait," I managed to choke out, my throat dry and pained. I have such little time, "Please, just wait."

He smiled showing me his teeth. They were yellow and dirty. There's no telling when he last brushed them. I could smell his dirty breath.

"Five," he groaned out with a gravelly tone. I must have looked confused, "Five minutes to convince me to untie you and let you go."

I froze. I couldn't remember how to speak. There was no way out.

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