The Troublemaking Friends

I walked through the park in all my galore. I wore a t-shirt that said Fall festival, green pants, a jacket tied around my waist, my head high, and I let my short blond hair with streaks of gold, purple, and brown stand out as I walked. My eyes were a sharp green color. My earring weren’t fancy but they had a small but fierce look to them, they had tiny spikes, a few frills, and a light but long streak of the color gold. I knew what my face looked like, it had no Makeup, what I was wearing was really the thing that mattered. My arms had tattoos that snaked along me to look like some kind of creature, a dragon. When I looked at people, I gave them a sharp, serious, but definitely not an angry gaze. My stare and gaze was always something that someone would say held a sharp meaning to it, but you could tell I was always up to some spontaneity.


“Haha, she’s at it again, the teacher will be mad for sure…”

“I wonder why she does this?..”

“Now it’s like I can’t think about this school not having her here”

Those are what other students would say as I made my daring adventures.

Zane walked to his desk. His hair was orange and his face had a few freckles, he held no outward rebellious look. In fact he was quite a normal guy but a great friend. He usually had this friendly face around people he kind of knew, a normal face around friends, and a straight poker face around strangers or people he didn’t know well. I think he’s lonely, is sometimes what I think about him. But he doesn’t act as that. He acts like chameleon at school, but then he acts like a fierce lynx when he’s with me, or with Jake.

“What, are you seriously daydreaming now?” Zane asks in a joking manner.

“What better time?” I answered.

But first..I made a wicked grin.

It was time to cause chaos.

I grabbed Zane, and then ran to the classroom two rooms next to our classroom. Amanda was there, standing up and it looked liked she had been in the middle of a presentation on political parties in her civics class. I could see her speaking, her voice was clear and audible, her dark raven hair was swept into a long braid, and she was speaking like a natural in front of her class with four other of her classmates. But she spotted us peeking through the doorway, and that smiling, joking, but on the task voice was gone.

“Sorry, Mr. J, I have to go. Sara, brayden, aiko, Li, emergency plan presentation!” She whispered the last part out. I could tell her classmates heard her because a boy with brown fuzzy hair whispered back a “we got it” and did a thumbs up to her. And her other classmates on the presentation made their own acknowledgments. “Mr. J”, which stood for Mr. Jayhill, was starting to tell Amanda to go back to presenting, and he said it in a steely but tired tone of voice. Amanda apologized to her teacher but then said simply, she had to go. That was true. We three are a group, we stick together. Calling something like this, shouldn’t be missed, unless they have a good reason of course.

Then when Amanda came we all broke out to a run. We ran through the halls, going to classroom to classroom, yelling, throwing balloons into the classrooms. These ballooons weren’t the helium filled ones, they were cheaper and didn’t float but they still served their purpose. Kids starting talking louder, laughing when we came, some of them were acquaintances so we said hi’s or bye’s to them. But to each room in the school, we continues along and when we ran out of balloons, we kept running and screaming, or saying random things to the classrooms. We were doing thing that would probably get us into trouble, as when we did things like this, we always did. It was always worth it though. We had our reasons for it too. We never did violence, bullying, or hurting. we always did things that involved ditching classes sometimes. We weren’t mean kids but we did like having chaos and fun. Because that’s who we are.

I gave a wicked grin once more, and so did Zane and Amanda.

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