

My name is Loraine, and I live by the sea

I relish the scent of the salt and the breeze

My children are grown

My husband deceased

Yet I cherish my perfect and lonely peace

In my youth I lived freely, and traveled afar

Many peoples and places I grew to adore

Now my favorite times

Are those moments of silence

I think of old friends, and I play my guitar


My name is


I live by the sea

At least I thought I did

I haven’t smelled the salt

Or felt the breeze in some time

And these walls

They’re not mine

I have children

Their names are…

Oh no matter

My husband will know

Perhaps I’ll ask him

For now I’ll sit

And remember the time

I traveled to…

Where was it again?

Hmm I don’t recall

But it was very beautiful

I tried to play that old guitar

The songs don’t come easily anymore

It didn’t sound good

So I set it down

Maybe I’ll pick it up again later


My name…

My name…

It’ll come to me

I’m sure

A stranger visited me

They called me mom

And cried

A lot

I didn’t quite like that

Where is my husband?

He should be back by now

Whose guitar is that?

I don’t know anyone who plays that

Perhaps I’ll close my eyes

And rest

Just for a bit

I like resting


Something about this time

It feels different

I feel calm

So calm

I smell salt

I feel a breeze

Waves of peace

And silence

My name is…

Oh yes


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