New Romans

Nicolo made a loud thud as the guards threw him before the feet of the Emperor. The cold marble press underneath his hands and shins sent shivers down his spine as he rolled off his back. The pain surging through every inch of his body. But he dare not scream or show weakness, not now.

“Nicolo, Nicolo, Nicolo.” The emperor said in his deep booming voice. He stood staring into the harbor from the wide oval window at the end of the throne room.

“I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me. This is not the first time but certainly will be the last.” He stated calmly.

The emperor turned to face him. Upon his clean-shaven face was a wicked smile and a twinkle in his jet grey eyes. His hair was silver and clearly thinning upon the crown. The man would tower over Nicolo even if he stood. A truly intimidating man. He wore a black suit with a tie of red silk, and his voice which was quiet yet firm drew immediate silence to the room.

“The truth must stay concealed, for the good of the people of course. Order is only maintained through submission and we certainly can’t be spreading nasty rumors about the truth of the dealings of the empires. We have come too far to go back now.”

Emperor Cassius Walked toward Nicolo, his shoes clicking on the marble were seemingly the only sound in the world. As he reached him he kneeled and continued to speak in an ominous whisper.

“You are hardly the first to try and “enlighten” the public on this knowledge. But, you think you’re special. That you’re the first to seek to free the people from my control.”

“What you didn’t consider, is do the people want to be free? No, Let me explain what will happen now. Your rumor will be talked about, I will give you that, but not for long. The people will not rise up, and those who do will be dealt with. Severely, and you are to thank for that. Most will go about their daily lives. You know why? Because they desire security overall. They do not want blood in the streets. Even if they believed you, who is going to risk the security they cherish so dearly?”

Cassius stood, eyes still fixed on Nicolo glaring at the floor.

“No, you will die like the rest who have sought to disturb the peace. Slowly and of course publicly. You will go down as just another heretic to my rule. Nobody will remember your cause, but they will remember watching your flesh being ripped apart piece by piece. They will remember the screams of agony as the glowing tongs shred you like steaming hot chicken.”

Nicolo raised his head and spoke.

“You may be right. Most will forget the truth, but if even one soul sees the real truth the fight will continue, and one day the empire will fall.”

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