Funny Story,

(And a true one)

I have a nine year old sister, her name is Beatrice but everyone calls her Buzzy.

And she is powerful.

When she was born she was the quietest, sleepiest baby in the seven seas. (Her name means peaceful voyager)

But-there’s a legend, that if a baby like that suddenly becomes mischievous, loud, and chaotic overnight, then that baby must be a changling. Swapped out for a fairy. (Not the tinker bell kind(think Shakespeare)) well that would be Buzzy. It’s an ongoing joke in our family. Anyways- when Buzzy was little, she loved Azula from avatar. She’s a pretty nice, pretty cool sister most of the time, but honestly it’s hard not to be scared of her. She has crazy charisma. And a few days ago, my other sister Harriet lost her tooth. Than lost it again. (Couldn’t find the bag it was in) she looked all around the house and buzzy offered to help. She went straight to the trash can, and pulled it out. “How did you know where it was?!” (That’s what Harriet said) “I told the universe I would bite it if it didn’t give me the tooth in the first place I looked.” I told you buzzy was powerful.


Sorry for the long beginning I just figured some context to who buzzy is might help explain why I found the situation so funny.

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