Submitted by King Dee
Write a story about your biggest fear as a child
This story could be set in your childhood, or it could revolve around the fear in another setting.
The Men
A woman is being held hostage by a man, another man is on the other side of them, being tied to a stake. The woman is crying and screaming, yelling for the man to let her go. The man dose not let go. The scene is being played out in someone’s house. The windows were broken into, the glass was on the floor. Against the wall stood thee family pet, a small corgi, with its tail down, wimpering into the corner. The man, after sucseffully being tied to the pole, is drenched in gasoline, soaking up in his clothing and his hair, then with a swift throw of a lighter, he went up in flames, the woman being dragged out of the house, crying, yelling the mans name. She is taken to a ledge off of a cliff. Her hands are tied arround her back, feet are tied, and mouth gaged with a rag. The women’s moans of desperations Ecco into the canyon. The men push the woman off, she is screaming as she goes down. The next thing the men here from the woman is a splash. The men smile to each other, making there way back towards the house.
Jimmy sat terrified, he looked at the screen his dad was watching. He had woken up by a noise some time ago, and left to see what it was. He crept half way down the staircase, finally sitting and clutching the railing, peeking over to the screen being played. After watching the scene played out, he went back upstairs, shaking and trembling, hoping to god that a man wouldn’t barge in to his room. He sat on his bed, watching as his twin sister slept, not a care in the world on her face. Jimmy lay down, pulling the covers over his head. Had that been real? Was it just acting or was that a movie? Every sound he heard from the room scared him. Eventually after a long time of worrying about it. He drifted off into a peaceful sleep, only to be woken up many times in the future, by this scene his father had played on the television.