Fergus’ Adventure

Fergus loved his mom more than anything. He loved her voice, her warm body next to his own on the couch, the way she greeted him each morning and most importantly he loved the moment she walked in the door after being gone for the day. His mom worked for the government and every morning after their daily walk, she poured his food into his dish, gave him a hug, said “I love you buddy, see you later” and out the door she went to her job. It was the see you later part he really loved because he knew that he would in fact see her later. And to Fergus, later meant hugs, cuddles, runs in the dog park, and listening to his mom debrief her day to him.

By now my dear reader I hope you have made the connection that Fergus is indeed a dog and that his mom does not directly debrief her day to him but rather shares her days experiences with a friend on FaceTime, or on a call, or as you will soon learn with her book club friends on Sundays on Zoom.

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