
Your character wakes up in hospital as the doctor is explaining that they have sustained a rare brain injury, and that from now on they will…

Decide what the consequence of the injury is and write a story about this character

Red, Yellow, Green

He knows where he is before his eyes even open. Raising his lids above his brown irises and dilated pupils only confirms his worst fears. He didn’t dream up that car accident.

He can’t even speak when a nurse walks in. It feels like a weight is pressing down on him. The nurse looks at him with sympathy as he writes something down on a clipboard. But something is off. His edges are blurred and... yellow? Before he can creep the nurse out with his stare, a doctor walks in. “Morning Tom,” she smiles to the yellow-tinged nurse.

“Morning Dr Smith,” he replies before leaving the room.

The doctor walks around the bed checking on several machines that surround his bed. She seems pleased with what she sees. Then she looks at him with concern. “I have some news that’s going to be difficult for you to hear,” she tells him, “You were in an accident-“

“Yeah, I know,” he snaps. There’s something off with the doctor too. Her edges are blurred into red.

“Mr Young,” she sighs, “it’s more serious than that. The couple in the other car were killed on impact... and so were you.”

He can’t process this. It’s not real. The machines around him beep more rapidly. “Mr Young,” begs the doctor, “Mr Young, please calm down. I need to finish my explanation.” Then it hits him. Why did she mention the other couple? Surely that’s confidential? Or at least something that would upset someone with serious injuries from a deadly car accident?

“So you brought me back?” he looks her dead in the eyes.

“Yes. It shouldn’t have been possible. We scanned your brain-“

“And you found something unusual? Something wrong?” He’s getting inpatient. He just wants to know what’s going on.

“Yes,” she rubs her temples, “a rare injury. Almost unheard of. Only 3- well, 4 now- cases in medical history.”

“What is it?” He’s almost scared to hear the answer. The doctor looks around the room and out into the corridor, but there’s no one there.

“You can see when people will die.”

Before he has time to process this, she collapses; blood spreading across her chest. She’s been shot. Tom- the yellow nurse- runs in to help her, but then the walls are painted with his brains as a second bullet sails through the already shattered window.

A figure enters the room. They’re cloaked, toting a gun. “Ben?” he asks

“Y-yeah?” he’s backed up in his hospital bed.

“Come with us. We need your gift.” His aura is green. Ben unplugs himself and follows his rescuer.

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