Corvus Corax

Rock, ash and fear were swarming around me. The now defective air corrodes my nose along with the smoke blurring my vision. I feel bewildered. In a state of frenzy, I claw at the smoke to see vague depictions of people crushed under the rubble, some of which we’re still alive calling out for anyone to help them as the maroon red substance stained the concrete. The echoing sounds of others pleading, screaming and begging stung my ears. Those imploring with God for some kind of forgiveness before their demise shuddered me. I stumble around trying to find an escape, but it’s no use. The only light stems from the deep bloodshot sky that seems like it had hues of black carved into its skin. The description of the sky embroidered dread into my soul as an unknown wrath collected all of us like cattle. Making my way through the decrepit street of disorderly individuals, I trip over a mangled corpse. Meeting with her face, I see her jaw has been broken off. She resembled some unearthly creature. Her eyes have been pushed down into their sockets to create an abyss also. This just increases her ghastly look. A fright picks me straight back up. Scurrying the last of my strength to walk to somewhere, anywhere, which could possibly be safe. I drag my red, trembling hand along a wall, which scratches me, for stability. I’m unable to see what’s ahead of me until my feet reach a hyper vigilant girl curled into a ball gripping her torn knees. As a shadow is cast over her she looks up at me with a scrunched up expression with glowing tears covering her smooth young face. The longing to escape myself and the need to help this girl fought. My morals were warping in this devastating end, it petrified me to see my morals distort. So I painted an heroic feeling into my heart. I grabbed the girls small hand and ran. It didn’t matter to me that my selfless action was formed from the foundations of fear that I would see myself resemble a demon. The further we ran the smoke punched our faces till I could see a stable looking house that had not yet been damaged by the rock and ash. Making our way inside I grabbed the left-over blankets from the former owner and placed them over the girl who was already passed out from pure exhaustion. Hoping to give her some sort of comfort from this miserable end. I lie down on the dirtied floor believing death to kiss me soon. I try to linger in apathy to escape this circumstance, but an unfathomable emotion of anxiety overwhelms me.

“Is this our punishment?” I wonder as I look at the young girl sleeping within the arms of tranquility. Realising she probably hasn’t eaten for a while I search the littered house to find nothing. I venture out of the house to find anything worth eating through the rubble. Till, I notice the eerie silence choking the air. I look around to see if I can find any remains of humanity when I see a raven atop of a cadaver’s head somewhat buried beneath the debris. I then hear it caw. The sound reverberates throughout the now emptied torn street.

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