Write a short descriptive piece about a deeply unlikeable character that attempts to make them likeable.

A reader’s impression of a character can be manipulated with a few choice words. You could invoke sympathy, admiration, or maybe even get your reader to empathise with the unlikeable traits of this character.

Such Gentle Slaps

He was very grounded, his head lower than most. It didn’t stop him from speaking up when he saw others challenging him. They would call him on his height, jest at his anger.

Berating them black and blue was the only self defence for the little man. Sure he was short, hence why he’s so earthly, but it’s what keeps him sensitive and in touch with him feminine qualities, such how he doesn’t hit other women, only slaps them lightly, as if kissing them with his hand.

His blue eyes so humble and honest, he freely speaks his mind, he can even do it without opening his eyes. He tries not to stare, but watches people until noticed, burning into them to show his own sort of warmth.

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