Submitted by Arnold Carroway

Write a scene that takes place in mid air.

It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.

Silent Night

We were in the nighttime sky, floating without a care in the world. Dennis was right next to me, staring at the sky in wonder. I thought I'd seen better skies than this, but having him next to me, his eyes becoming as bright as the stars above, made it one of the best nights I'd ever had the blessing of witnessing. His smile looked like it could light up the entire sky, and he looked like he would explode into a million bits of stardust from his excitement.

"Wow, Aaron, this is such a wonderful surprise!" Dennis said, turning to me. "I never thought I'd see something so beautiful in my life!"

I felt my face heat up and turned away from him. I uttered out a small "You're welcome" and curled myself up in a half-ball, feeling ashamed of myself for even thinking that.

He seemed to have noticed. He floated over to me, put a hand on my shoulder, and assuringly said, "You know, you don't have to be embarrassed about liking me anymore. We've been together for months."

"I don't want this getting out though," I mumbled, hiding my face, "We can't have a relationship like this when we have such successful careers. It could cost us our jobs!"

He wrapped me into a hug and give me a quick kiss before stating, "Even if it does get out, it will be alright. We will always bounce back, no matter what."

I felt comforted by that. I still was a bundle of anxiety and nerves, but with his arms wrapped around me, it didn't seem so bad anymore. I heard myself murmur a small "I love you, Dennis." before drifting off to sleep, feeling all my worries melt away.

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