Submitted by KT77

You wake up after a nightmare and look in the bathroom mirror. Something is different about your appearance…

Silly Little Nightmares

Her eyes fluttered open suddenly, her heart was racing and she felt the body drenched in sweat. She threw her legs over the side of the bed and headed into the bathroom to wash her face. She thought to herself about what a frightening nightmare she had just had. She could only remember bits and pieces of it, every thing was turning into a blur the more she woke up. Reaching towards the faucet her gaze looked up into the mirror and she froze in fear. Looking back at her was a bloody cheek. Her bloody cheek. She splashed water on her face and winced in pain the moment the water touched her face. She continued to wash her face more tenderly, watching the blood wash down the drain in the sink. She looked back up at her face and examined the open gash that took up more than two thirds of her face. Gently running her finger near it her nightmare flashed back before her eyes like a quick movie reel. She remembered running for her life, she was running from some mutated human… she remembered getting cornered in a locked hallway trying to escape when it grabbed at her. She pushed away as it swiped at her face, then she woke up.

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