"He watches from afar. What shall we do about him?"

With this is as the first line, continue the story.


He watched from afar. What shall we do about him?

It was there that I noticed him... staring intently at me as if I was the only thing in the world... I looked over to Monica, my best friend of some 25 years, and glanced his way. It was then that I realized he had been watching me all morning as I told her about my newest boyfriend. As he stared, all I could think about was who he was. He looked familiar... I thought for sure I had seen him before but I was for sure just going crazy. If I’m being honest, most men look the same to me nowadays. And they come and they go... but not him. No and I knew this because I had seen him before just watching me from afar... he has never come up to me, he has never talked to me, I don’t even know his name... but I know his eyes... they are like bright blue skies on a hot summer day and you fee them blazing into your soul. It terrifies me but excites me all at once. I’m not sure how to handle him but I have to know for sure.

When I look up...

he’s gone.

When I get home...

he’s there... waiting... watching.. I know he sees me... I know he’s there but part of me wants him to be. I know I sound crazy but... then the next thing I know...

he’s walking toward me.

I panic. I don’t know this guy... what if he kills me... I mean... no one would miss me... I don’t have any family or pets, my boyfriend is probably cheating on me and Monica... well... she might miss me.. but... that’s it. You see I’m a loner. I don’t have many friends and I keep my wall up and locks bolted. No one gets in... nothing comes out.

Fuck Lily stop!! It’s ok.

When I look up, he’s in front of me.

“Oh! Um, can I help you?!” I speak first after what seems like forever has gone by.

“Um... yeah. I noticed you staring at me at the coffee shop”, I blank for a minute... what,

“The coffee shop on North Central?”


“Oh yeah! That was you?”

“Um, yeah. I thought you would have known.” Silence for again like forever, “anyway, i live upstairs, and I’ve seen you come in and out. I’m surprised you’ve never noticed me before...”... “I’m Jeremy.”

“Oh nice to meet you.”

“Um yeah you too... uh I didn’t bath your name.”

“Oh it’s Lily.”

“Like the flower!”

“Yep like the flower.” Seriously, like the flower(?) , god what am I thinking.

“Alright we’ll it was nice meeting you Jeremy. I guess I’ll see you around.”

“You too... Lily.”

WHAT AM I THINKING?! This guy has been watching me for months now. How have I not noticed and since when does he live here? Has he always lived here? Did he move here?

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