Write a poem that has three narrative voices.
These three voices may be in a conversation with another, or they can be given separate stanzas. Try to give them each a clear voice that distinguishes who is narrating.
The Three Versions Of My Mind
“Man, I can’t believe I’m gonna be late! I’m literally never late! Hopefully I don’t get a write up.” “OH, GOD THERE’S AN OLD MAN IN FRONT OF YOU, SLAM ON THE BREAKS, YOU’RE GOING 40, DEAR LORD.” “RUN HIM OVER! IT’S HIS OWN FAULT!” “What? Omg, NO! Why would you even suggest that? I’m slamming on the breaks!” “HONK!” “OK, I will honk, though.” “You probably shouldn’t have done that, he’s just I helpless old man.” “OH, SHUT UP, HE DESERVED IT!” “Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have, but It’s too late now.” “Yeah. . . .” “Well, hopefully by some miracle I make it to work on time.”