Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Dear Readers:


Dear Mr. Kingston Grey, you massive, disgraceful, douche,

I despise your class with every inch of my heart. (Sure it’s ALSO my favorite)

BUT I WASNT EVEN “FLiRtInG” WITH THAT UGLY RAT! (I’m talking about Artemis here) Sure he’s not tooooooo ugly, but I don’t LIKE him. And even if I did, you had no right calling me out like that you old geezer.

Anyways, it’s not like you’ll see this anyway so bye you treacherous toad.

- The only kid in your class worthy of passing.



Artemis keeps being insufferable- I can’t stand the way he constantly flirts with me like I’m one of his bimbos! It’s like he can’t see that I’m way out of his league. I mean he’s hot, and his few tattoos up his left arm make me feel a certain way that I can’t quite explain- but GOD get a life dude!


Diary, apology in advance,

I stopped writing when me and that hog got together. But now that I have 4 kids and I’m divorced because he cheated on me(and I maybe cut his dick a little. (Maybe.)) I thought I’d come back to my origins. But my oldest is currently trying to tie my youngest to the balcony so

Til next time.

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