Write the story that leads to this prompt

Fire Hazard

You left me here. Alone. In the cold. I have always loved this house, but now memories drip from the walls and the cracks in the floorboards form visions of you.

I see the red, orange, gold leaves fall and feel my tears do the same. Waxy tears, like a candle. They stick to my face. The trees look naked, and so does the house because its soul is gone. You were gone. I’m so cold.

You shouldn’t have come back. You opened up old wounds. Opened up old secrets. You shouldn’t have come back, but I’m glad you did because I saw how I could fix things. How I could make us happy again.

I was cold, and so were you. But I’ve fixed our problem. We’ll never be cold again. We’ll never be apart again. This house will come down with us. The red, orange, gold flames come closer.

I warned you: if you leave a candle unattended, it will burn your house down.

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