
“Will you marry me?”

I gasp and my eyes widen. Did I hear him right? Yes. His dark eyes dig into me. Imploring. Loving. The deep inky water of his eyes beckoning. But no, I have to think of my father, my future. I cannot marry this beautiful beast. I just can’t.

He can sense my answer already and he turns away from me.

“I used to be a prince once.” He whispers, “before...before I turned into this. Me.”

I don’t believe him. How could someone like him be a prince. But the scars etching his face tell me the truth, even before I ask him. He actually was. He actually was a prince.

But no one would believe me. What would people say if I said I married him? No money, no power. Nothing.

I can’t give into my feelings for him. I just can’t.

I turn away from him.

“I love you. You know that. But you also know that I cannot marry you.”

I let a tear trickle down my face, a stream of anger and regret. And I start walking away. Away from him.

“Beauty!” He calls after me.

I run now. He’s not making this parting easy.

“You must kiss me for me to turn into a prince again.” He shouts.

I’m so far away that his voice is like an echo. An echo of what my life could’ve been.

I shake my head. He really thinks I’d believe that? Who does he think I am?

I’m outside now, amongst the rows and rows of blood-red roses.

I snap one from its stem and turn to him. He’s closer to me now.

“We can never be beauty and the beast.” I say. Tears running like rivers now.

I drop the rose to the ground and step on it, crushing it.

“Goodbye beast.”

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