
Chris ran to his car. Got in and drove. He knew he should’ve gone to the police station first, but his anger had gotten the better of him.

He drove, speeding down the highway in the midnight. He needed to fix this. He needed to find Darren. He needed to save Ailee.

Chris parked in front of Darren’s house and ran through the door. “DARREN?! WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE IS AILEE?!” Chris was fuming. He ran through the house, checking every room along the way.

No Darren to be seen. No Ailee to be seen. “Shit.” Chris mumbled.

Chris could hear maniacal laughter from the master bedroom. “WHERE ARE YOU, YOU BASTARD?!?!” Chris yelled. He ran into the bedroom, but no one was there. This frustrates Chris but sees a shimmer in his peripherals. A knife. He found a knife on the dresser. He picked it up to inspect the blade. As Chris noticed the blood on the knife, he dropped the knife onto the ground. He flipped over sheets, looking under the bed, opening closets. He was looking through the closet when he heard a door creak.

The bathroom.

Chris ran out of the closet and towards the bathroom. He barged open the door, but stopped in his tracks.

Ailee’s purple corpse lies on the floor, cold and blue. Chris stood there, frozen in place, before his knees gave out and he fell to the floor. He scooted towards Ailee and wrapped his arms around her. He rocks her back and forth as he sobs.

Chris studies her limp face. Her face was expressionless, eyelids closed, but Chris noticed the slight grin across her lips. Chris sighed as he noticed this. “She still loved Darren ‘till the end, didn’t she...”

He slowly laid her back down on the bathroom floor and exited the room. Feeling his pockets, he curses. “Shit, my phone’s in the car.” He ran downstairs, through the kitchen, and out the front door. He went to unlock his car when the flash of red and blue blinded him.

Hidden in the bathroom closet of the master bathroom, Darren steps out. “Snooze you lose Chris.” Darren kneels down to kiss Ailee’s cold forehead. “Goodbye baby. Sorry I have to leave you like this.” Darren jumped out of the window, falling onto a mattress he had put there earlier. He looked back at the cop cars lined up in front of his house. A cynical grin grew on Darren’s face.

“You wanted to play Chris. So let’s play.”

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