For a while your brother was convinced that someone was following him; now he has gone missing.

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I heaved a deep sigh as I ushered Jake into his room, his mouth seemed to flap 50 miles per hour. My brain filtered out his begs to play a little longer as I lifted him into bed.

“I don’t like sleeping in my room!” He wined, for some odd reason it carried a hint of fear. I pulled his blankets up over him and raised a eyebrow

“And why is that?” I asked. He struggled for a second,

“I feel like something is watching me and it’s going to eat me.” I laughed a little at his response, his lip quivered as to ask what was so funny.

“You just need to stop watching those creepy pasta things all the time.”he clenched his fists tightly and turned around, shunning me. I laughed and ruffled his hair.

“Goodnight Jake,don’t let the demons bite!” I teased, Wich only made him scrunch up more. I shut his door behind me and darkness fell on his bright colored room. I made my way to the living room and sat onto the couch. Mom and dad were out on a vacation So at night I had the whole house to myself. I fumbled for the remote and eventually found it shrouded in the darkness of the pillows. I readjusted and smiled as I turned the tv on and started to flick through the channels. I set my hand next to me and was met with surprise as I touched a soft dinosaur plush.

‘Jake.’ I thought, I rose up from the couch and stretched, dinosaur in hand.

I stumbled with exhaustion down the deep dark hallway. It seemed to go on forever. I slit my eyes in frustration as I searched for his door in the dark. Suddenly a familiar bright blue door caught my eye. I smiled as I pushed my way into Jakes room.

“Hey loser you forgot-“ I started. I flicked on the light mid sentence only to be greeted by a empty bed. My eyes went wide, the sheets were tossed and tangled showing signs of a struggle, I scoffed a little as I thought he might be hiding in the closet, I was wrong. It was empty other then his hanging clothes and his scattered shoes. I shut the door quickly and nervously laughed

“Very funny Jake.” I stuttered. Worry wrapped it’s sharp and long claws around my mind as I searched for Jake. The last place I hadn’t looked was under the bed, so I got onto my knees and squinted my eyes. Screams seemed to echo from under there and it felt cold and unsettling. I felt like a pair of eyes were piercing right through my head. I chocked on my sobs as I quickly got up and searched the rest of the house.

By the time morning light was peeking through the trees I was on the front porch wailing as pain clenched onto my heart. I couldn’t find him anywhere, he was gone.

Jake was missing.

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