Choose an important event in your story. Write it in first person, then again in third person.
Even if you have already chosen a narrative voice for your book, this may help you to understand what you need to highlight and which voice lets you achieve this.
New Sheriff In Town:
First the spinning pinwheel of death and then the vid shutters to life.
“Welcome to sunny Enceladus! I’m Jae-Jun Perez and let show you the wonders of this moon. First colonized twenty years ago for mining this jewel of the night was next cultivated as a land of flowers. “ The video showed a three dimensional moonscape followed by a smiling, greatly surgically enhanced tv personality. The vid screen was engineered to look directly at the viewers. Myrtle mushed the side of Django’s head and he took off his headphones.
“Today a peaceful community of humans and Androids work hand in hand to supply the solar system with orchids and rare succulents.” The vid showed the over handsome host festooned with orchids and ghost plants.
“Don’t you like ghost plants, DJ?” Myrtle’s voice was over-bright. Django feigned boredom. The video host handed him a holographic grey green succulent. Django blew a raspberry and the plump pale leaves disappeared. The pair sat in silence.
“Speaking of flowers upscale houses are popping up like dandelions.” This time Myrtle blew a raspberry. Django looked shocked at his mother and then they laughed. The vid host joined in the laughter.
“Moving sucks. Home sucks. Pretty much everything sucks,” Django said.
Myrtle hugged him, “True but the good news is that it is all downhill from here.”
The vid host in a flowing white shirt twirled on a beach like a maniac.