‘It used to be much easier to forgive than to forget.’

“Forgive” And “Forget”

The day it happened, deep down, he knew, It may never come, the forgiveness. True, He had asked, she had laughed, “Of course I do!” But then why was she suddenly nowhere to be found? Just to be sure, he inquired once more: “I am really sorry. Is this behind us? No more?” “What do you mean? The incident with the door? Psh”, she said, “I’d forgotten it already.” But, he wondered, as he walked back home, As with a hand he wiped sweat off his balding dome, Why did she suddenly seem so alone, As if a stranger was standing there instead of me?? When one says “I forgive!”, does one really mean, To say: “Sure! But inside, it still hurts me”? “Forgive and forget”; what does it really mean???
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