"I guess I just don't love you anymore."

Write a story continuing on from the dialogue


Katie kept replaying that day over and over in her head. She knew it wouldn’t help but she couldn’t stop. All she could hear was those sorrowful words coming out of her mouth “i guess i don’t love you anymore.” Katie had walked away at that point she couldn’t bare to hear anymore. She looked at her phone. There was one message that stood out “sorry.” She slammed her phone on her desk. The shatter rang through the room. They’d been together for 4 years, 4 years down the drain by one sentence. One depressing message. She walked through the flat. Everything she saw was a bitter reminder of what could’ve been. She looked out of the window. The bustling of the city almost took her mind of the terror in her mind. Her now shattered phone buzzed. She looked at it. The message was like a dagger to the heart. “I’ve made a mistake” it glowed through the screen. She chucked at the wall. Another shatter rang in her ears. This time she was done. She grabbed her jacket and her keys. She walked out. That was it. She was going to go and get drunk. Nothing was holding her back now. She grabbed a seat at the bar. She mumbled something to the bartender who rushed to the order. 2 hours later she could barely stand let alone walk. She asked the bartender for a phone and rang a number. The ringing blasted her ears. The answer message voice seemed even more distant than ever before. She hanged up the phone and passed it back. She grabbed her jacket and stumbled to a taxi. When she arrived at her house she couldn’t even open the door. She layered down and waited for sleep to come. The cold air was sting every part of her tired body. She sighed. She knew it was just another breakup. But this one hurt more than any other before because this one was personal. It was a waste of time. A waste of 4 long years.

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