Submitted by Emotional Goblin.

A simple game of hide and seek becomes much more horrific when a kidnapper joins the game.

How will your characters uncover what's happening, and face the situation?

Want To Play

It started as a game but ended in a death

It all started as a normal day in the summer. Elle and I were laying in my room with the sun beeming in the window

“Girls are you still up there?” My mom yelled

“Yeah why”

“You need to play out side it’s a beautiful day”


It was a normal day on Fairway Lane kids were playing and adults talking and of course me and Elle bored.

“What do you want to do?” Elle said

I don’t know. There’s like nothing to do except scroll on tick toc and post videos

Summer was boring here, no pools no kids our age and Sumer was hot and I mean HOT me and Elle decided to sit outside on some lawn chairs and drink some lemonade well we watched the little kids play. It was getting late so we decided to head inside and go to bed. We were talking about the most random things until Elle brought up something odd

“Did you see that man outside!?”

“What do you mean there is like 12 men on our street?”

“Well there was this guy who was watching all the kids.. including us”

“Oh that’s weird. Well we probably shouldn’t worry maybe he was someone’s dad.” I said trying not to Freak Elle out. And I think it worked because we both crashed out right after that.

* * * *

The next morning

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