Write a story which takes place on another planet.

Use your imagination - what would an adventure on a different planet look like?


humans are WEIRD. i mean, they’ve accomplished a lot of great things, but they do some weird shit down there on their planet. i live on the planet in front of them, venus. it’s great and all, but it’s so HOT. i wish i could experience the cold they have on earth. i think that it comes from a place called anratica? i think that's right.

anyway, i enjoy watching the humans on the thousands of cameras that we’ve planted all over the globe. my favorite place is louis angelinas. or was it los angeles? whatever. the humans there seem to be extra stupid, because some of them walk around with barley any clothing on! are they trying to get a full body sunburn?

the landscape of earth is nothing like venus. the earth has lush forests, dry deserts, icy mountains, and everything in between. here, we have desert. and thats it. now you see why i want to live on earth.

that’s it. bye humans.

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