Write a descriptive narrative about the world your novel is set in.

Step away from your main plot and consider how the world shapes your story. If your story takes place somewhere familiar (like the world today), focus on which elements of it will play into your story.

World Building

[Just playing around with my sci-fi world, all subject to change!]

[apologies for typos, my keyboard is sticking!]

First in a system of four planets, tidally-locked Zira orbits its sub-giant star closely. As such, it has no natural satellites, for it’s gravitational force is not strong enough to prevent the star from pulling them away with its own, stronger gravity.

As the planet is tidally locked, one face of it is fixed toward the star at all times. The majority of Zira is rendered uninhabitable by the lack of a day/night cycle, one side egg-burningly torrid; the other, frigid. Only a narrow strip along the terminator zone—the divide between the night and day regions—can support life.

And support life it does. The Zairan people reside in the twilight tundras, and in recent centuries their cities extend into the dusk, edging a midnight so cold the very air sublimates into dry ice.

Zairans are hermaphrodites; all individuals have male and female characteristics. The society does not have a concept of gender.

The reason for their migration is simple. Their star is old. Zira is dangerously close. It was never going to be permanent.

[this was meant to be an idea splash page, so it is a bit dense, but I’m leaving it open to feedback because I would like to hear your thoughts! Plus I’m still working out the science. Also, any tips on sentence variety and showing not telling?]

[also: note, I’ve been behind the scenes considering the logistics of a hermaphrodite race, but my previous writings do refer to the main character as she]

[this mostly laid out the planet, will go into culture later!]

[okay thats enough notes]

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