The Spooky Tower

“Hey, man, why are we heading to this place again?” asked the wagon driver. “Even the horse looks spooked.”

I look up at him from the bed of the wagon, frustrated from his constant talking. “Didn’t I pay you to not ask questions?” Oof, maybe a little harsh, i thought. I still needed him to get back into town. “Listen, for the third time , I need to retrieve something for my uncle. It’s a self portrait of him and his late wife after their wedding. Since he moved out of the castle and started living in town due to his age, he did not have the time to retrieve his items. So, he hired me to do it.”

“Your uncle has weird taste in homes.” He quipped.

“Shut up,” I said as the wagon came to a stop by the foot of the drive. It’s foundation had been weathered down by the sea over the years. The castle creaked and moaned as the wind blew. The instructions by my uncle were very clear: get in and get out. The balance of weight could topple the castle into the sea at any—

The wind blew something fierce just then as I was making my way up the steps. The castle swayed to one side and then another, and eventually came crashing down to the sea at the bottom. I stood on the steps, holding the door knob as I was almost inside. I looked at the doorknob in my hand, and back to where the castle stood a few moments before.

I shrugged my shoulders and hopped back into the wagon with the driver and horse, whose mouths were agape in shock and disbelief.

“Holy shit,” the horse said.

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