life lessons from death

appreciate the life you live

for any day it could disappear

and I will wrap you in my arms

and take you from the living world

into a place you could never envision

in your simple mortal mind

appreciate the people who live around you

for any moment I could take them away

somewhere you cannot see

or ever be

until your time comes to join them

live life to the fullest

for I will not take you until your time

so use this time to its greatest extent

do what you’ve always wanted

face what you’ve always feared

don’t worry if the whole earth likes you

for death does not discriminate

well-liked or forgotten

when your time to leave does come

you will all be taken just the same

but always remember to be good

for you will be immortalized after death

in the memories of those who loved you

in the pictures they hang on their walls

or even just in the changes you made

though they may be small and unnoticed

mourn the dead, but let yourself move on

for you can trust that I treated them well

and that one day you will see them again

so don’t torture yourself thinking about

the fact that they are gone

don’t blame yourself for others departure

for it was simply their time to leave

you didn’t kill them, simply fate or time

guilt halts the process of moving on

and makes it difficult to heal

these are the lessons I share

with you mortal souls

so you can feel fulfilled and happy

when I someday take you away

and you can know in your heart

that you lived the best life you could

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