The Lake Of Dreams

We had started off about two weeks ago to try to find the hidden cave that was marked on the ancient map we found stuffed in a book in the local library. It was just the two of us on the journey now, our other three friends who started out with us had decided to abandon us at the past few towns we passed. Our horses trotted along the forest path, the clopping of their hooves the only sound in the eerily quiet forest.

“So…” Payton said, biting her lower lip. “Just us now that Lauren left us back at Dranell…” “Yeah, guess it is.” I responded, trying to avoid the topic of it just being us two. “What? Do you not want me to be here?” She asked, clearly hurt. “No! No! That’s not what I meant! I’m just frustrated that everyone left…” I said quickly, trying to make the situation better, but probably doing the opposite.

I’ve never been good at comforting people, especially since I grew up an orphan. No one to comfort me, no where to learn how to comfort others. That’s just how the world works I guess.

“I’m just teasing you Jared! Lighten up!” She said with a laugh. I looked over and saw her smiling. Her smile was beautiful, and her laugh was like bells on Christmas morning. Agh! What am I thinking!

I hadn’t noticed her look over at me, but when I finally did, I saw her smirking at me. “What?” I asked, confused at what had happened. “Oh nothing.” She said, looking straight again. “Hey look! The edge of the forest!” She suddenly gasped excitedly. I guess I’d been so wrapped up in our conversation that I hadn’t noticed how far we had ridden.

When the last treetop faded overhead, I noticed that it was already starting to get dark. “We should be pretty close to the Cave.” She said, looking at the map. “Maybe we can get there before nightfall and sleep in the cave.” “Yeah good idea.” I said smiling to myself. Of course she has the good ideas. She’s always got good ideas. Meanwhile me over here thinking we should set up camp here, waisting another day.

We kept on going for maybe another 30 minutes until we say a beautiful waterfall that fell into a crystal clear lake. “Woah…” I said, staring at the waterfall with wide eyes. I’d never seen a waterfall before. It was even more beautiful that I had imagined it to be. I looked over to see Payton staring at me like a mother staring at her stary eyed child. I blushed and urged my horse on.

I heard a gasp from behind me and turned quickly to see what had happened. I turned to see her half gasping, half laughing. “Did Jared Carters just blush?!” She said in a mock surprised voice. “Haha, very funny Payton.” I said, rolling my eyes and turning back to the waterfall. “Let’s get going so we can-“ I got cut off by Payton riding up next to me and grabbing my face. “You’re cute when you blush.” She said before casually kissing my cheek and riding of towards the waterfall.

I sat there for a good while replaying the scene that just happened over and over in my head. The only reason I stopped was because I heard Payton’s gasp as she jumped into the, probably cold, water. I shook out of my trance and laughed, riding over to where she was and sliding off my horse. I tied it to a nearby tree and threw my shirt over the saddle, then jumped in the water with her.

The water was frigid. I gasped as the cold water hit my skin. I heard Payton laughing from somewhere nearby but I didn’t see her in front of me. Then, I knew where she was, because all the sudden she jumped on my back, startling me half to death. “Hi Jared!” She said, laughing.

“Uhm, Payton, I have a question.” I said, nervous for the answer but wanting to know anyway. “Why did you-“ before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me. “Why did I what? Do this?” And she kissed me on the cheek again. And she smiled when she saw my face turn ruby red. “What would you rather I do this?” She asked before jumping from my back and swimming in-front of me. Then she did something that really surprised me.

After swimming in-front of me, she grabbed my neck and kissed me, square on the lips. My breath caught for a moment, then when I came to my senses, as much as a man can when a beautiful girl is kissing him, I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her in the kiss. I heard her laugh when I did that and that made me happy. Very happy. More happy than I had ever been in my entire, miserable life.

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