Submitted by sarya the ceiling

Write a passage about something you believe is beautiful, but in the tone a newsreader might use if they are speaking of a national tragedy.

Use a positive event or thing, but describe it with language that is formal and emotionally neutral.

Flames Of Beauty

Me and my sister were having our average daily walk. The cold autum wind was still a bit hot due to the fact we were just exiting summer. We were waving to people we knew, it was a small town. Cars past us as usual.

“Oh my god!” My sister pointed to a firetruck.

“I wonder what happened” we had lived in the same town our whole lives, everyone’s families had lived here for generations, and would probably live here for generations to come.

We turned back to go home soon, the smell of smoke in the air showed that fire was most likely the issue regarding the firetruck. We were close to home when we smelled the fire even stronger.

Beautiful flames of fire came into our view as we our home got close. The smell of smoke stained our noses. The flames surrounding our home and starting to attack the ones next door. Fire men trying their hardest to stop this beautiful masterpiece.

It wasn’t till then when we saw our parents cars in the driveway. One then exploded brilliantly right next to us despite how unlikely it would be to happen, hitting me then my sister. Pain struck along with beauty. The flames on the cars and the houses were so beautiful to the point I wouldn’t mind dying right there. All because of someone leaving the stove on.

How could such beauty cause such a great tragity?

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