Sweet Darkness

We were sitting on the top of our apartment building, watching as the night changed from the beautiful scene of the sunset to the deep, rich black of the night. I hadn’t seen my sister in years, but being there with her - seeing the shift from rich, vibrant colors to other rich, vibrant colors - it was like we were back home again. I can still picture that night now - the deep, tangerine of the sky faded into a beautiful marigold yellow, leading way to the bright turquoise color of the rest of the sky. Behind us the sweet darkness of the night crept up the sky, speckled with stars. Tonight it was as dark as a green can get before it becomes black. The tendrils of the darkness reached up through the sky and chased away the brightness of the day, laughing all the while. It was truly a sight. Yet I will never be able to replay this moment again, because she is gone.

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