By Lute @ Unsplash

Create a plot based on your immediate thoughts when you consider what is going on in this image.
The End Of The Tunnel
My siblings and I have finally reached the end of the tunnel. It has been years since we entered. Years since we’ve seen the sun, seen anything outside this underground maze. A couple years ago, my parents told me that I had to babysit my siblings for a couple days. The youngest brought a flier home from school. It was about a fun underground maze nearby. We decided that it would be fun, so we went.
When we entered the maze, I was 16, the my sister was 12, and my brother was 5. When we finally saw the end of the tunnel, I was 21, my sister 17, my brother 9. We spent 4 years in this maze. We had given up trying to leave about a year in. We just started exploring, trying to find more food and water, which was placed randomly throughout the maze.
However, when we actually stepped foot outside the maze, we were still 16, 12, and 5. Our bodies were anyways, we still were older in our minds. Many people were outside the maze waiting for us, clapping and cheering.
It had only been a couple hours, so how did we spend four years in there? No one believed us and everyone just pushed us aside as the next group came out. We had never seen anyone else in that underground maze. This is the most confused I’ve ever been in my entire life. We decided to go home and called out parents to come home early. They didn’t listen to us either, they just thought I wasn’t responsible enough to take care of my siblings for a few days.
And yet, my parents were really surprised when we acted a lot more mature. We had seen some stuff in that maze. But what happened in the maze, stays in the maze.