Dreams In A Cage

In shadows cast, a captive soul,

A gaze that longs for skies untold.

Within the bars, a world confined,

A heart that yearns, a restless mind.

Through iron lattice, dreams take flight,

Yet feathers clipped in pale moonlight.

The view beyond, a distant grace,

A canvas vast, an open space.

The caged one dreams of windswept hills,

Where freedom roams and silence thrills.

Through prison bars, the sunsets fade,

A captive's heart, in solitude, laid.

Oh, whispered winds, carry the plea,

From cage to heavens, set them free.

The world unfolds in hues so bright,

Yet shackled hopes remain in night.

Beyond the bars, a song unsung,

A melody in a foreign tongue.

The yearning eyes, like stars, do gleam,

Reflecting worlds, a distant dream.

Yet strength persists, a flame within,

A captive spirit, bound to win.

For even in the darkest night,

A flicker glows, an ember's light.

In every gaze, a plea for flight,

To soar beyond, in endless night.

The cage may bind, but dreams persist,

A symphony in a captive's fist.

And as the dawn breaks through the bars,

A promise whispers, dispels the scars.

The view may change, the cage may rust,

But in the heart, a spirit thrusts.

For every soul that's bound to roam,

Yearns for a place it calls its own.

In captive eyes, the world anew,

A boundless view, forever true.

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