Self Motivate

Ups and downs

Smiles and frowns

I’ve been living long, taking chances, making mistakes

But I gotta stay strong

I do what I do

No matter true

True to your heart, is a head start

Therefore the fake will part

Fake will come and fake will go

But all you gotta know

Is What’s good for you

And what’s not.

Remember you can’t be stopped

Do you know what it takes?

Just learn, from yours, and others mistakes

Be wise, look, listen and learn

Gain knowledge,


Have no fear….you may shed a tear

Oh well it’s good..

everything bad just ain’t bad

For it may be good. Or vise verse


It’s how you look at it, it’s how you take it and make it,


Overlook the negative and see the positive

For if you look for the bad in something expecting to find it, you will.

If you look for the good, your in for a thrill

Believe it achieve it! If not you’ll grieve it.

Let your conscience be your guide

Keep your head up and STRIVE! And

Always pray

I do what I say and I mean what I say,

Tomorrow will be a better day.

Look deep into your soul, and you know you got control,

just enough to keep you whole

Now if you don’t, you don’t want to

But let me tell you now…your not living

Your living a trap

holding your self back and everything in you is nothing.

But don’t feel sorry for yourself, you can’t have a pity party

Cause Self pity holds you back.

And no one wants to be around that.

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