Now or Never

The young boy stopped just before the bridge in front of him. This was the edge of the safe land. After he crossed this bridge, anything or anyone could harm him.

It was all or nothing.

He had a mission, and nothing was gonna stop him.

The legend says that anyone who can make it through all the dangers over the bridge, and gets to the middle of the rain forest, above the rocky points, will find the flower of healing.

It wasn’t an easy challenge in the slightest though.

He was prepared to fight whatever came in his path for his mother, her unidentified illness wasn’t getting any better.

The boy held his head high and took a step on the rickety monkey bridge that was supposedly built by the gods themselves.

He continued to walk forward, each step making him feel more uncomfortable, but he needed to do this.

He finally made it to the end of the bridge, hesitant to cross.

He shook his head at himself, it’s now or never.

He took the last step onto the ground in front of him. And so the adventure started.

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