Greatest Discovery?

Men are gathered by the hundreds to unearth the greatest discovery that the world has ever seen: a downed spacecraft.

“So…they finally found it. They were certainly slow about it.” A tall, thin creature clothed in white turns to a massive crowd of aliens gathered around a large monitor displaying the scene.

“Pfft! Told ya! You give those saps too much credit! Pay up!” A short, plump alien with a deep crimson hue gloats as other aliens reluctantly hand him their bids.

An insectoid speaks up. “You know Galdar, they aren’t always as foolish as you claim. They certainly discovered nuclear energy faster than you predicted.”

Galdar puffs up. “And yet they still don’t know how to use it properly!”

The insectoid continues, “Still, I wonder how they’ll handle this?”

A small, fuzzy creature makes a bid. “I bet 8000 they’ll keep it locked up somewhere, and not even try to salvage it!” This is accompanied by nods of agreement and several more bids on this result.

Galdar chuckles. “Y’know, they probably are that stupid. I’ll bet 50000!”

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