Burning Lights

The soft cotton sheet protected her from the sharp blades of grass she laid on, the sun had set hours ago but she still sat. Eyes drifting to the city that sat across the river, their bright white lights reflecting on her deep blue eyes. She drifted from the highest of buildings where some offices still had their white lights on, then lower, apartments with varying colors. She had laughed at the thought of strings of LED lights surrounding each room making them purple, blue, red or even green. Lower she follows, the road was filled with headlights, pairs like couples walking down the road. Then the green, yellow and red colors of street lights. Staring as they each change slowly and continuously.

She follows the pairs of lights to the bridge that she used to get home just hours before. Long and tall it stands in the water, a dull silver color. She follows it high and sees the spotlights shining at each peak.

Then she suddenly flops backwards, back meeting the cold surface of the ground. The sight is far worth the cold, bright stars are clear as day despite the bright city. The dark sky contrasting perfectly with the bright dots, tracing them with her eyes she makes out various pictures. Not that she knows any constellations but they all clump together to make many images, a man, a crab or just a big circle.

Then suddenly a flash of color travels across her sight, bright white turning into a light red it continues until she can no longer see it. Quickly she closes her eyes, makes a wish and settles in the darkness she created

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