What is the God of the Sun's role in the elf's plan to end wars?
Consider the elf's motivations and any potential conflicts with the God's goals.
The God Of The Sun, Le’Rah
Elves are the original beings, created by the Gods before even trees existed. They are perfect creatures, created attractive and lacking insecurities. Elves older than 5000 typically don’t have parents, instead have a God who chose their features and rose them from the dirt. They must spend their lives dedicated to the deity who created them, otherwise they risk becoming a Drell. Drell are forsaken elves, cursed to be ugly, lose their immortality and be forced to live in The Underground with the dwarves.
Emris must find a way to kill people while still conforming to his God’s instructions. While his Lord is very lenient with rules, there are two that must always be followed: Heal those who are hurt and protect those who heal you.
The fact that he is supposed to be a perfect being makes him incredibly devoted to his God.
The God of the Sun is named Le’Rah, meaning little light in Elvish. (Le: little, small, pure. Rah: light, star, torch.) Emris uses both the original and a different version of this name to refer to his surrogate son, Anwir, calling him Le’Kal and Le’Ma instead (Kal: moon, space, a very specific shade of lavendar. Ma: child, infant, offspring). This means a lot to Anwir because he is a Drell and is usually treated with discrimination and racism, but Emris calls him a similar name to his God.
(Note: this is just a plot concept, not a serious piece of writing)